Returning to Schools: How to Prepare Your Children

Family and Parenting Lifestyle
Returning to School

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Helping your children prepare for returning to school doesn’t have to be a hassle. With a few minor adjustments, your kids will be ready to transition out of summer vacation activities and back into full-time learning mode.

Returning to schools will again occur with COVID-19, which concerns parents and school staff. Following these tips will help your family smoothly transition into the fall semester. 

Don’t Put Off Buying School Supplies

Many schools require uniforms. If your kiddo is not used to wearing school attire, have him or her try the outfits out periodically in the weeks leading up to the first day of school. Preparing for school involves letting your kids know how to clean and put on their uniforms.

If your child has outgrown his or her uniform, testing them out in the weeks before school starts will give you the time to assess whether you need to buy new clothes.

Once you know that your kids’ clothes fit, use self-adhesive labels or a permanent marker to put your child’s initials on everything taken to school. Putting names on lunchboxes, bags, and other items can help your child find lost items more quickly. 

Help Your Child Become Familiar with the New School

School orientations offer an excellent opportunity to help your kids become excited about the fall semester. Some kids may have apprehension or anxiety about new school buildings, so the more time spent in the new school, the better. COVID-19 has added to that stress level, although kids often surprise us with their resiliency. 

Orientation also allows kiddos to meet their new teachers. If your child is still in grade school, you can visit the campus playground during the summer. That way, returning to school won’t seem like such an uncertainty.

Start Breaking Late-Night Habits

sleep-deprived student is less productive. Although it is usual for children and teens to start sleeping in during the summer, shifting sleep cycles should be done gradually.

Start by reminding your kids to brush their teeth and wash their faces early in the evening. Then, gradually move bedtime earlier and earlier in the weeks before school. You’ll want everyone back on school time one week before the first day. 

Get Excited About Returning To School

Preparing children for school should be fun and exciting. Talk about the upcoming school year with excitement and optimism.

Discuss all the fun things that will bring, such as new friends, a friendly new teacher, and a private locker room. Prepping children for school requires addressing their concerns so they have a positive outlook on their fall semester. 

Returning to School Takes Planning

You’re not alone if you are apprehensive about children returning to school. Many parents share some of the same concerns as their children. 

We’re parents. We’ll miss our kids, but they must be prepared to run the ground late this summer.

At Qwery M, we specialize in career counseling and guidance. We have covered what you need to embark on a new career. Please message or email us; you’ll hear back from one of our team members shortly.  

Last updated on October 19th, 2024 at 09:21 am

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